The visual identity of WetYourSelf! is a fun provoking line of mutant creatures and forms of the WYS! DJs themselves – the brain children of artist Martin Wollerstam. From day one he’s been lending his drawings to their flyers and more recently taking them out of the page and onto the projector screen installing the creatures on the backdrop of the very nights themselves. With the mammoth NYD celebrations just a couple of days away and a month away from the 5 year birthday of WYS! it is timely of the crew to present an interview with Martin for our blog looking forwards to his creative projects in the coming year and back at how it all started for the weird and wonderful world of his playful yet haunting characters.
You have a theme for your drawings this year, tell us the idea around it.
In the first artwork a new WYS! creature is born, then it will gradually grow up and meet a new character every month and maybe even fight off some kind of threat like in the “old” days. I also have it in the back of my head that you can collect them as collector’s cards and use them as them as a picture book, maybe?
Why did you decide on doing a theme this year?
This is nothing new actually, I did it for the first year and it’s a bit more exciting and easier to work with
How did you get into drawing?
I’ve been drawing as long as I can remember. It must have happened to me some time long ago when my brain was still developing. I grabbed a crayon and it must have given me some imaginary pleasure or something. My dad is an artist so I guess I had some creative blood and encouragement too.
What’s your approach in your live visuals
Metamorphosis and making live animated loops. It’s a relatively new aspect of my work, I’ve been wanting my illustrations to get alive, the VJ program we’re using and the way of drawing is much different than what I’m used to so it makes me think and draw in a bit of a different way.
You’ve got something coming up in a window in Selfridges soon, can you tell us more about that?
Yes, had a very successful collaboration with the very talented William Richard Green’s SS12 collection. The theme of the collection was suicide and I made an illustrative pattern about what happens when you decide to end your life. It’s a comical illustration of how you’re ending up in some kind of waiting room / limbo realm for your final rest... and we’re building an installation of it for one of their windows. I’m very excited!
There are still some advance tickets available for the WYS! NYD party with DJ T, Solomun and faster which you can buy here. There will also be tickets available on the door.