In light of last night’s review, we’d like to stress that fabric will continue to work with the Met Police and Islington Council. We’ve always taken great pride in our relationship with both parties and the open ended nature of our communication. Nevertheless we are disappointed with the outcome of last night’s review and the fact that our points weren’t taken on board.
Please note: none of the measures listed in the outcome of the review will come in to effect until after we have seen the Council’s written report and we have decided how we intend to appeal certain points.
Our chief and only consideration has - and always will be - for the safety, well-being and best interests of the people that come to this venue. If we disagree on any points it is because we feel there is a better and more well thought out approach that would better protect our patrons.
As a team we’ve dedicated ourselves to putting on the best music events possible in the best possible environment for the last 15 years. We strive to lead from the front in regards to the management of our social responsibilities and the constantly evolving challenges of the night-time environment - both the Police and the Council hailed our venue as a best-practice model on many levels in last night’s hearing.
As mentioned previously, we’d like to stress that none of the proposed measures will come in to effect until after the outcome of an appeal process. We genuinely look forward to getting on with what we do best, putting on forward thinking events, starting tonight and all throughout the busy festive and New Year period.
Lastly, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the overwhelming level of support we’ve received - particularly over these last 36 hours. Issues like this galvanize an already incredibly passionate and intelligent collective of people and the messages of encouragement have been truly inspiring.
For further information please email: press@fabriclondon.com