
NEWSFLASH: The Birth of Basic Rhythm

When he turned in his fabric debut on the 5th March, taking over Room 3 for an entire night with Kyle Hall, Space Dimension Controller dropped us some nuggets of information that we were sworn to secrecy over. With the freakish London heat we've today been exposed to the analogue house specialist has also given us the go ahead to tell the world that he's gone and started a label called Basic Rhythm. The eagle eyed amongst you might notice its the same name as the night he helps run is his native Belfast but it is reportedly named after a graphic on the 808. Word on releases is still - at this time - scarce but he sent us this by way of an announcement: "Basic Rhythm is a new label from the heart and mind of Mr. 8040, also known as Space Dimension Controller. With a collective passion for music of all varieties, the label will concern itself with electronic sounds that have a keen melodic side and pleasing sense of funk, groove or rhythm, no matter the genre. Watch out for upcoming releases from a diverse spread of artists. First two releases will see birth in May." Keep those eyes peeled. Oh and... ...because its sunny.
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