They say the only source of true knowledge is experience and with thirty golden years of it behind the decks- Sven Väth’s rapturous feeling of enlightenment for the Cocoon event on Saturday 21st May has made him get all nostalgic. Commemorating the three decade strong landmark in a lengthy post for Cocoon’s website, the proud Papa of techno speaks frankly about his role as a DJ, the importance of vinyl and shares ideas on what cuts a really good track: “to feel the world that we live in, but at the same time to be able to forget it for a short time – only a really good song can do that.”
The motif comes at a time when fabric is arming itself to be over-heated in a real lip-licker of a line up with familiar favourite faces including the likes of Sven Väth, Christian Burkhardt and Guillaume and the Coutu Dumont. For the bold, brave and brilliant of you who partied with us at our colossal Cocoon rave back in November, we expect to see you all and more again a week next Saturday to celebrate thirty years of ‘Svenmasia’…
Picking up where we left off with our feature from Sven’s visit to the club last year we present a playlist of some of the best moments of this monumental figure - The best of Sven Väth:
For the first time since opening in 1999, the world's first sensory dancefloor has undergone a transformative upgrade, reimagining how audiences connect with sound and vibration.