Audio: Africa HiTech - 93 Million Miles (Album Sampler)
The combined artistic force of Mark Prichard (Harmonic 313/Global Communication) and Steve Spacek, Africa HiTech is a musical pairing that bares astonishingly perfumed fruit. Blurring the lines of rhythmic expectancy, the tracks strewn across their debut 93 Million Miles (the distance of earth from the sun) play with the notion of what you’d expect from the pairing. As artists who’ve dabbled together - guesting on each other’s records and releasing the 12” teaser ‘Blen’ under the HiTech moniker last year – their debut album marks the full opportunity for Spacek and Pritchard to collaborate properly, both exploring the recesses of the other’s style.
Caught somewhere between club orientated bass music, Detroit techno and 8 bit digital dancehall Africa HiTech’s music is wholly fulfilling, a torrent of predatory drum led assaults that will work the club’s soundsystem as well as they will soundtrack your Easter BBQ.
Appearing in Room Two on the 13th May, performing a full live show for Club Autonomic alongside 3024 boss Martyn, we’re proud to be able to bring you a tater of what you can expect from their album sampler...
Full lineup and ticket information here.
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