London Unlocked: At Smithfield Market object blue, Batu
Just across the road from fabric in Farringdon, is a place that is part of London’s ancient history dating back to medieval times. On a site that once hosted public executions and was part of a darker side of London life, Smithfield Market as we know it was constructed in the late 1800s and is now the biggest meat market in the country. It’s a place that we pass through and queue up in the shadow of at the start of the night in EC1, and end the night with the meat trucks unloading their products as we leave the club in the morning. It feels like coming home and a special thing that we can for the first time in our history properly celebrate our iconic neighbor’s place in the city.
This is where we have landed for week three of London Unlocked, with sets from two of the most vibrant and leading edge DJs from the UK - object blue and Batu. Streaming from 6pm object blue presents her hyper-modern take on deconstructed club sounds creating dense atmospheres on top of penetrating bass. Timedance boss Batu will step up from 7pm with his svelte moves through beeping, percussive, polyrhythmic techno.
Set Times (GMT):
18:00 object blue
19:00 BatuLive stream links:
London Unlocked Micrositefabric YouTubefabric London Mixcloudfabric London FacebookBeatport YouTubeBeatport TwitchBeatport Facebook