Born from the gritty integrity of Birmingham based party Below, One Records is the labour of love of
Adam Shelton and Subb-an. Since its inception in 2009 it’s made way putting out records by its founding members and their contemporaries as well as representing party style at the legendary Back To Basics in Leeds and of course, our disco. Put simply it's proved itself as a vanguard of deep and honest house music.
Alongside this special promo mix from Adam Shelton we also caught up with the label boss, ahead of the Room Three takeover this weekend to get the low down on the One Records story to date, his choice of guests coming to represent on Saturday as well as the latest on what we can look forward to coming this year.
DOWNLOAD: Adam Shelton One Records X fabric Promo Mix
Why, when and where did you decide to start up One Records?
I started One Records with Subb-an as a platform for us to release our own music and to bring in friends that could also release on the label, this is very much something that continues within the label now and something I do not want to lose sight off.
We started the label in December 2009 with our first release 'The Musik' which was a track by Subb-an and myself then the b side was a track called 'The Vision' by Subb-an, basic but important titles with a meaning of moving forward with the project.
We kicked the label off from the rainbow pub / club in Birmingham, where we were both living at the time, the home of my party ‘Below’ which was one of the main things that’s inspired us to do the label and was to be honest a place where you can make some serious noise any time of the day so making tracks and working on different projects was a lot of fun there.
How would you describe the sound of the label?
I would say the label does float around many styles of house, deep, tech, electronic, acid. We are very much trying to create our own imprint with the label but not just with the music, with the whole package - the way the label looks, the regular artists we are using and the parties we are doing also.
What have been your highlights to date?
Every release is a highlight for me, I look back and there is not one release I regret putting out and will play all of them. A couple of highlight parties for me was our first one records party at Back To Basics in Leeds where I still to date played what I feel is my best set, our One Records and Illusion Recordings party at Sonar last year for the pure vibes.
I would not like to say what a highlight release has been because I feel I would have to make it up; I love all the crew, the music and the artwork, so it is all a highlight for me.
Can you introduce your Room Three guests to us?
For sure we you got me, that’s me. Then we have Mr. Yakine, somebody who I have been a massive fan of over the last few years in our scene and somebody who when he got in touch with me and said I have made some tracks just for one records I was honored, then when I heard the tracks and they were so perfect I was like boom! He is on board! I had met joss before in Ibiza and also in Paris and had a great vibe from him from the start. I am very proud to have him playing for the first time at fabric in our one records room.
And Mr. Tristan da Cunha, well, I don't think I could big up many people as much this person, when I met Tristan over 4 years ago I got such a good vibe from him straight away, he is somebody and one of the few people that has the perfect tune for every minute of everyday whatever the mood, I mean this guy would rock a funeral (sorry) a total inspiration for me, somebody to watch out for production wise this year, I have some sneaks of his work in progress and let’s just say two words. Dope jams! And a third... bombs! Tristan and will be playing back to back in room three after Yakine so I am very much looking forward to this as always.
Oh and if I was meant to mention what records labels they have released on in the past blah blah you can check that for yourselves! Yakine and Tristan da Cunha yeah!
What do you have coming up next for the label?
We have a new release that is out in March which I am really looking forward to from Slok, with remixes from one records regulars Kris Wadsworth, Alex Arnout and myself. then we are doing another various artists release, with tracks from DJ Wild, Emerson Todd, Martin Aquino, Samu.l, Slok, DJ Aakmel & Jozef K, Harnfry Martinez and Javier Carballo, then after that look out for EP's from Anthea, DJ Wild, Hector and Burnski and remixes from Dan Ghenacia, Subb-an, me, Richy Ahmed and more.
Can you tell us how you put together this mix for us?
My mix was put together very much off the back of the last mix I did for fabric, I wanted to play something that was nice and deep, easy to listen to in all occasions and something that represented me, not a mix to suit a certain party or label.