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17 Dec

Joseph Capriati, Adiel, Luke Slater, Pinch, Jaden Thompson & more

Room 1:
Joseph Capriati
Jaden Thompson
Fleur Shore

Room 2: Adiel Curates
Luke Slater

Room 3: Ritmo London
Do or Die (Live)

Joseph Capriati, one of techno and groovy's most beloved and revered artists, makes an anticipated return to Room 1 on 17th December. The ‘Redimension Music’ founder joins us as we close out our Autumn/Winter season.

Joining the iconic DJ and producer in Room 1 is the rapidly-rising – and our very own club resident – Jaden Thompson. The energetic and radiant sonics of Fleur Shore rounds things off.

Meanwhile Room 2 is in the very capable hands of ADIEL, who we are delighted to have invited to curate this section of the night. UK techno pioneer Luke Slater and Tectonic Recordings founder Pinch have both been enlisted.

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