It gives us real pleasure to announce Fred P AKA Black Jazz Consortium as the fourth artist to play our 13th birthday in October. As a New York tastemaker of the city's underground raw and real deep house music, Fred falls into an entire family of artists where the likes of Levon Vincent , Dj Qu and DJ Jus Ed have been anchored firmly to pinning New York hard back on the map since their chronicled resurgence to the spotlight in 2008. Whenever his NYC comrades come to Farringdon it's inspired us to rush to the floor, and we'll be feeling the same sentiment when Fred P intercepts for his debut with us next month…
In his own words Fred tell us about his anticipation for the birthday…
“I remember a couple years ago going to the club on my day off and hanging out in Room 3. There I would hear Tama Sumo, Levon Vincent , Steffi and Jus Ed play and have the room going wild. My spot was in the back; there I could see the entire dance floor. What’s more I met Carl Craig in the flesh one night, needless to say I was star struck and couldn't speak but those are the types of fond memories I have of fabric. To be a part of the 13th birthday celebration is a huge honour for me.”
Fred's smooth releases can be found on Jus Ed's Underground Quality to his own Soul People Music/ Earth Tones and as Black Jazz Consortium he made regular appearances on Levon Vincent’s fabric63 album, teaching us some more about their many years of great friendship. As a true innovator of the deepest actions of house, Fred wanted to show you a different side to his music passions and in no mean feat here are his top five influential songs of all time.
Freddie Hubbard - First Light (1971)
This record is important to me for many reasons. I still study it over and over always finding something new sonically. Musically it is an inspired work of art that is timeless. I listen to it to get inspired all the time.
Ashford & Simpson It seems To Hang On (1976)
One of my favorites growing up. It was in rotation in my home every friday it would be blasting in the living room. What I love about this song is besides everything , is that I still feel it after all the years that have passed. A true example of the power of good music.
Art Of Noise - Beat Box (1984)
This was a party classic on my block back in the day. I remember getting the 45 when it first came. It was the first time I heard samples and edits done that way. Mind blowing and of course a turning point in electronic music. Still ahead of it's time.
Taana Gardner - Heartbeat (1981)
This was my first exposure to dance music. This song was played on the radio all day long. I would have my little radio on my front stoop and when it came on someone would always turn it up. Summer anthem back in the day and still amazing to this day.
George Benson - Love x Love (1980)
Last but certainly not least this classic was a favorite at family cookouts. This song would get everybody dancing from this note. Again, feel good music, tight arrangement .great lyrics and feeling. Needless to say it still has an impact today when I listen to it.
Fred P will be releasing a new EP under his 'Black Jazz Consortium' moniker titled 'Codes And Metaphors’ on Soul People Music Presents soon. Preview listen here:
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