We’ve been enjoying looking back over stories with artists that are coming to celebrate our 13th birthday with us this October; but for Ryan Elliot, his first fabric appearance was actually his first booking outside of his native USA. An artist of calibre, Elliot’s got many credits to his name that place him in that revered realm of respected Detroit musicians; including his co-running of the Spectral Sounds label and his place in the Ostgut family since he migrated to Berlin from the USA in 2009.
As a DJ, Elliott always delivers something different and off kilter, spinning anything but straight up four four. We’ve unearthed his fabric Promo Mix that was created exclusively for us last year; it fulfills all the above criteria but was made with that extra sentiment of friendship which he revealed at the time of publishing in the accompanying
interview. For this announcement he has revealed more about what playing at the birthday means to him..
DOWNLOAD Ryan Elliot fabric Promo Mix
On...your favorite moment at the club
My very first gig outside the US was actually fabric, in July of 2005. I played back to back with Matthew Dear in Room Two. We had a really great set that night, and the whole evening (and next morning) at the club were super special. I remember being on the dance floor celebrating after our set, dancing to Alter Ego live and thinking "this has to be what heaven is like".
On...what makes the club special
The club itself, all the brick and wood, that feeling you get when you know you are literally underground, the DJ booths, and obviously Room One's sound system. But what makes the club so special to me, by far, are the people that work for the club. Everyone from Judy and her team, to the sound guys and the bar staff.
On...playing at the birthday for the first time
This will be the first time I play a fabric birthday, but I actually attended the first fabric birthday way back in the fall 2000. I wasn't even DJing outside of my bedroom at that time, and it was my very first trip to London. It is one of my favourite clubbing memories ever. To hear Craig play in Room One that night gave me a broader understanding of what it means to play records on a sound system like that.