Audio: Andrew Weatherall b2b Ivan Smagghe
When we were seizing the opportunity to give Death in Vegas a venue to launch their new album ‘Trans-Love Energies’ in, we soon realised that booking a DJ who had the selection and ability to hold attention around the live band should be a tough ask, but unusually for us the choice was easy. It had to be Andrew Weatherall.
Recorded in Room One a few weeks ago we’re happy to be able to pre-empt his set tomorrow night with this, a choice segment from his back to back set with frequent DJ partner Ivan Smagghe. Both DJ’s eclectic spirit brings an extra special element to the fore whenever it comes to mixing together records in a club setting. And it’s that grounding and background that makes Weatherall the perfect fit for Thursday. Aside from providing the DIV band a studio in which to record the album of course, the king size sonic bed of Weatherall’s record collection promises to be the perfect extension of the ethereal sonic adventures of Death in Vegas live.
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